Letters of Support

I am humbled and honored by those writing to the Daily Progress in support of my candidacy. Thank you!

Opinion/Letter: Hill, Laufer set for City Council

"I am writing this letter in support of Heather Hill and Amy Laufer for Charlottesville City Council. I do so not singularly as the former co-chair of the Charlottesville Democratic Party, nor as the current president of the Legal Aid Justice Center. I do so as a concerned citizen and parent. I do so because voting for Heather Hill and Amy Laufer is voting for Charlottesville’s future."

Jonathan T. Blank, Charlottesville

Opinion/Letter: Laufer, Hill can guide city

"We are living in perilous — literally — times. Charlottesville is experiencing dynamic change. Our civic life has been threatened and disrupted. Many citizens are loath to participate in civic gatherings, like meetings of the City Council and the Planning Commission, for fear of getting caught up in unruly demonstrations. Never have we had such a need for strong leadership to steer our city back on course...Having served on Council during contentious times myself, I have a good idea of the qualities that our civic institutions need. Amy Laufer and Heather Hill have those qualities in abundance. I will vote for them with enthusiasm, and urge my friends and neighbors to support them."

George H. Gilliam, Charlottesville

Opinion/Letter: Hill, Laufer good picks to lead

"Their heads contain priorities based on information gained from all citizens, which translates to equitable solutions for low-income residents, city infrastructure projects, and education. Their hearts have fueled tremendous work in past public service and positive campaigns with people at its core. The future of Charlottesville will be bright with councilors with that work ethic, with emphasis on both work and ethic(s)...In contrast, candidates with heads filled with rage and tension will have difficulty analyzing and planning. Their hearts beat too quickly, out of rhythm, and produce work that is chaotic, uncivil, and ineffective."

John T. Delehanty, Charlottesville

Opinion/Letter: City's Laufer, Hill have leadership qualities

"Since last spring, Amy and Heather have walked our neighborhoods to listen to people’s concerns. From these conversations, they have come up with new ideas to tackle affordable housing, to provide free community college tuition for our low-income students and to keep our government accountable to all."

Peggy Van Yahres, Charlottesville

Opinion/Letter: Hill and Laufer will bring ideas, experience to Council

"Heather Hill and Amy Laufer are among the most knowledgeable and best-qualified candidates ever to run for Charlottesville City Council. With their experience and common-sense approach, they bring ways to unite, not divide, the city over issues such as education, affordable housing, and government transparency."

Kay Slaughter, Charlottesville

Opinion/Letter: Hill, Laufer best for Council

"Their priorities include affordable housing, transportation, environmental sustainability, education, workforce development, and transparency. They have listened to residents, and these priorities reflect what they have heard. Amy and Heather have put forth real responses to these issues and will happily share the details of their ideas...They both have proven track records of service to the Charlottesville community — Amy as chair of the Charlottesville School Board, and Heather as president of the North Downtown Residents Association...As a teacher (Amy) and a systems engineer (Heather), they will bring much needed, distinctive yet complementary skills to the Council. They have a healthy respect for their differences and a commitment to work together on behalf of the city they love."

Ivora “Ivy” Hinton, Elayne Kornblatt Phillips, Charlottesville

Opinion/Letter: Hill, Laufer outstanding for Council

"Our city is experiencing unprecedented times. We need leaders to work collaboratively to bring solutions to our city’s problems — including affordable housing, educational equity, and creating infrastructure that supports everyone. I have no doubt in my mind that Heather and Amy will be two such leaders that I would to work with. Please join me in voting for them on Nov. 7."

Juandiego Wade, Charlottesville